Entry ID494
Application Typecollege
Academic Information
Last High School AttendedDilley High School
Graduation Date05/24/2024
List all high school activities in which you have participated, such as athletics, drama, school newspaper, yearbook, clubs, honor societies, student governments, etc.
  • Volleyball + Basketball + Golf + Student council + National Honor Society + UIL Academics + One Act play + ACE program + track and field + Early College
Community Service & Employment
List any activities outside of school such as community service organizations, scouts,church, 4-H etc.
  • Food bank + Blood drives
List any jobs you have held, work done after school, summer jobs, etc. since you have been in high school.
Employer Type of Work Start Date End Date
Kidville daycare childcare worker June 1st 2023 August 20th 2023
About You
What hobbies and other personal interests do you have?

I enjoy reading dystopian books, as well as doing outdoor activities with my friends. I also enjoy painting on my free time and taking care of my many nieces and nephews.

Please explain why you are continuing your education.

I am hoping to continue my education at UTSA following my graduation from high school as well as SWTJC. I am choosing to continue my education at UTSA because I have big aspirations for myself. I plan to be a registered nurse by the time I am 20, and in order to fulfill this goal I know it will be a long hard process. However, I am ready to make whatever sacrifices I may need because it is what I owe to my family. I am the last of twelve siblings and all of my siblings along with my mother have sacrificed so much and have believed and supported me in everything I do. Because of this the least I can do is fulfill my goals and pay them back as much as I can. I really could not have done it without them.

This area can be used to pass along any other information about yourself that you feel might be relevant to this application.

Since I am wanting to be an RN, I am planning on going into the medical and science field. I am currently ranked second in my class and will be graduating with my associate degree. I have scored well on almost every test I have taken and attendance at school is a must in order to participate in my extracurricular activities. I have always been an over achiever in everything I do, including schoolwork, it is a blessing and a curse. However, it has led me to where I am today and I could not be more grateful.

Tell us about your dreams or goals for the future.

For the future my dream is to be happy and content with my life. I am hoping to have my dream job and live a good life. I want to be financially independent and stable to the point where I can do fun things that I was not able to do as a child with eleven other siblings. I also want to be able to give back to my sibling's children and help give them the best life possible. As long as I am happy and content with my family my dreams will be fulfilled.

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