Entry ID491
Application Typecollege
Academic Information
Last High School AttendedDilley High School
Graduation Date05/24/2024
List all high school activities in which you have participated, such as athletics, drama, school newspaper, yearbook, clubs, honor societies, student governments, etc.
  • Yearbook
  • Journalism
  • FFA
Community Service & Employment
List any activities outside of school such as community service organizations, scouts,church, 4-H etc.
  • Ace
List any jobs you have held, work done after school, summer jobs, etc. since you have been in high school.
Employer Type of Work Start Date End Date
Serco Alamo Student worker 01/16/2024 5/17/24
About You
What hobbies and other personal interests do you have?

I help take care of my siblings while my mom works

Please explain why you are continuing your education.

I am continuing my education because my parents didn’t graduate high school. If I try harder to make it to college or actually to pay off college I can make them proud. I’ve tried my best to keep up with my grades.

This area can be used to pass along any other information about yourself that you feel might be relevant to this application.

I have already been accepted into Texas A&M in Corpus Christi. I hope to get enough scholarships and grants to pay for full time so that I can got to college there. I am trying to go to college to major in Nursing but if it turns out I can’t then I want to major in psychology. I’m trying my best and my hardest to try and go to college so that I can make my family proud.

Tell us about your dreams or goals for the future.

I hope to graduate college and after college find a stable home and start new there. I want to be able to graduate and find a job that goes with my major and I hope to have enough scholarships and grants to help me out. I want to pursuit a nursing career once I graduate college.