Entry ID490
Application Typecollege
Academic Information
Last High School AttendedDilley High School
Graduation Date05/24/2024
List all high school activities in which you have participated, such as athletics, drama, school newspaper, yearbook, clubs, honor societies, student governments, etc.
  • athletics , welding, computer science
Community Service & Employment
List any activities outside of school such as community service organizations, scouts,church, 4-H etc.
  • communitie service
List any jobs you have held, work done after school, summer jobs, etc. since you have been in high school.
Employer Type of Work Start Date End Date
martin ramirez welding june 27 2023 february 24 2024
About You
What hobbies and other personal interests do you have?

welding, working out

Please explain why you are continuing your education.

i love the idea of making something, the ability to use my hands and make a substantial amount of money for it

This area can be used to pass along any other information about yourself that you feel might be relevant to this application.

swtjc, i’m good with grades so far an A honor roll student

Tell us about your dreams or goals for the future.

i want to own a 50 acre ranch, i want a welding company. i want a successful future and a successful business