Entry ID444
Application Typecollege
Academic Information
Last High School AttendedPearsall High School
Graduation Date05/24/2024
List all high school activities in which you have participated, such as athletics, drama, school newspaper, yearbook, clubs, honor societies, student governments, etc.
  • I was in rotary for 3 years, sophomore, junior, senior. Athletics, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior. NHS, Sophomore, Junior, Senior. Advance classes all 3 years of Junior High. Dual Credit classes, Sophomore, Junior, Senior.
  • I also participated in Student Council when I was a junior.
Community Service & Employment
List any activities outside of school such as community service organizations, scouts,church, 4-H etc.
  • Frio Auction last year, and this year. Walmart food drive, Firemen park food drive.
List any jobs you have held, work done after school, summer jobs, etc. since you have been in high school.
Employer Type of Work Start Date End Date
Burger King Cook 3-11-22 9-2-23
Are you a member of the Interact Club? If so, please let us know the following:
Years of Membership Offices Held Interact Activities Participated In:
3 years Frio Auction, Walmart Drive, Firemen Park food drive.
About You
What hobbies and other personal interests do you have?

I enjoy to play basketball on my free time, spend time with my family and friends. I also make music and publish for others to enjoy.

Please explain why you are continuing your education.

The reason why I want to continue my education is because, I would be the first in the family to actually attend college. A lot of my family members are blue collared workers, and did not continue their education. My family constantly tells me do get a good job and continue my education, so I do not have to work in the sun. I also want to gain a better understanding of radiology. I have big goals, and big dreams for myself and I will not let those dreams just go to waste. I am very passionate on what I do, and I also believe that I have a great work ethic. I wont give up if the times are hard, so I think that going to college and getting the proper education to become a radiologist is meant for me.

This area can be used to pass along any other information about yourself that you feel might be relevant to this application.

I would like to attend St. Phillips in San Antonio. Out of all my years in high school I maintained an A average in my classes. I really take my grades very seriously, and I don't like to see a B on my report card. I am doing much better with my attendance. In the past I would miss a lot of school, but that is because I would get sick very often due to a very weak immune system. Now that I am in high school I do not miss as much school, I feel much better, and rarely get sick. Thanks to God.

Tell us about your dreams or goals for the future.

In the future I hope to work in a facility or hospital, to do X rays on patients. I have very high expectations for myself. I plan to have multiple jobs to help me pay for college as I am attending, and once I get myself on my feet, I would like to buy my first house and start my life from there. I want to complete all four years of college, and get the proper degree that I need for radiology. If I enjoy other things in the field I would definitely go for something higher than radiology. Those are my goals for myself, and I'm more than certain that I will achieve them by the grace of God.